Black Poppies - Writing on the Wall

Faith was invited to create a temporary installation related to Writing on the Wall's Archive Project, which focuses on an archive of fascinating letters relating to the plight of black seafarers, servicemen and factory workers in Liverpool following the First World War. The sculptural installation features giant 3D letters covered with extracts from the letters in the Archive, with black poppies growing up them. The public joined the archive group to help create the polymer clay black poppies at a workshop led by Faith on 5th December 2015. The Black Poppies installation makes a poignant connection with the iconic 'Weeping Window' poppy sculpture on display over the road from the library at St George’s Hall in Liverpool. The Black poppies can be viewed on display at the hub on the ground floor of Liverpool Central Library, William Brown Street from 18th December until 17th January 2016.

Writing on the Wall project website

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